Firm Overview

What I Do

Every day I get up and work to protect people from all different walks of life from the oppression that can result from unpaid debts. I stop home foreclosures, resolve tax obligations, stop garnishments, reinstate driver’s licenses, eliminate credit card and medical debt, and resolve many different types of other financial problems.

But my firm has a purpose beyond simply making money. It is also my job to help my clients turn their ship around, cut the anchors of past overwhelming debts, and push them back into the sea of life. There are real benefits to my clients in the work I perform—work based on the fact that a lawyer is nothing other than a service professional. I strive to treat my clients like a plumber or an electrician should—i.e., by providing great service at a reasonable price when the work is needed.

I have heard hundreds of times over the years that I don’t come off like other lawyers that my clients have known and that they appreciate the directness of my approach. That’s because I am not a “other” lawyer. The law isn’t like it is portrayed on TV shows.

I started my journey toward being a lawyer early after I ended up in court over some trouble in high school. I was lucky that I had a skilled advocate to defend me against the accusations made against me. The power this lawyer could wield against my opponents to defend me and prove my case was amazing. I’d never seen anything like it. I thought it would be awesome to help those in need in the same way—and it would be even better if it were a job—and even better still if it paid money!

So, after chasing my dream of playing guitar and bass by touring with a band, I went to law school to become a trial lawyer. After law school, I discovered (as most lawyers do) that the opportunities at becoming Atticus Finch or Moe Levine in the courtroom is sadly unrealistic these days.

But what ended up being very realistic to me was being able to help people in another way—by helping clients work through their financial issues through consumer bankruptcy cases. In bankruptcy, I get to stop—usually dead in their tracks—the relentless creditor harassment of my clients. As a result, I can quickly and efficiently relieve most, if not all, of the financial problems and debt burdens my clients carry with them. And once that happens to a person, some amazing things occur that I’m incredibly lucky to see daily in my practice. For example:

Single parents working two jobs to pay off old debts can now work one job and spend time with their family;

People who have been beaten into submission by ruthless creditor phone calls can now answer their phone with confidence that they will not be emotionally harassed;

People with no focus and no drive because of crushing debt payments can now move on with their lives and build their dreams; and

Businesspeople who have lost a business can focus on building new businesses.

Often, I say the first positive thing to my clients about their situation that they can remember hearing in a long time. I get to provide hope, a better future, and a greatly improved quality of life to an amazing group of people in my work. The tremendous positive difference that I can make in my clients’ lives is very powerful, and I take it very seriously. This is who I am, and this is why I love being a consumer bankruptcy attorney.

Free and Confidential Consultations—No Obligation

We offer free and confidential consultations at no obligation, so there’s nothing to lose by talking with a lawyer about your debt-relief options. To get started, call us at 503-278-5400 or toll-free at 888-560-8146. You may also complete our online contact form.
